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    Is CBD Legal? A Guide for Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

    As athletes and fitness enthusiasts, you're always on the lookout for ways to improve your performance, recovery, and overall well-being. One supplement that has gained significant attention in recent years is CBD, or cannabidiol. But the question remains: Is CBD...
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    The Surprising Benefits of Resistance Training for Athletes

    Are you an athlete looking for ways to ramp up your workout routine? Look no further, since today we're diving into the exciting world of resistance training. Resistance training, also known as strength or weight training, is an essential part...
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    Unwind Naturally: Daily Stress Management for Athletes & Fitness Enthusiasts

    Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a dedicated gym-rat, stress is something that affects us all. It's important to acknowledge that stress is a natural part of life, but when left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on our health, performance,...
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    How Physical Therapy Can Help Athletes Manage Pain

    We all know that pain is an inevitable part of the game when you're pushing your body to the limits. But did you know that physical therapy can be a game-changer when it comes to managing physical discomfort and preventing...
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    4 Light Exercises to Help Athletes Manage Stress

    Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and athletes are no exception. Whether you're a professional athlete or just someone who enjoys staying active, stress can negatively impact your performance and overall well-being. Thankfully, incorporating light exercises into your daily...
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    Unlocking the World of Cannabinoids: Your Guide to Understanding These Natural Compounds

    Welcome back, dear readers! Today, we are diving into the fascinating world of cannabinoids, natural compounds that have taken the health and wellness industry by storm. In recent years, the use of cannabinoids, particularly in the form of CBD (cannabidiol)...
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    What to Eat After a Workout: 5 Foods for a Stronger, Healthier Body

    Congratulations! You've just completed an intense workout, pushing your body to its limits, and breaking through barriers. You're on your way to a stronger, healthier body. But, as an athlete, you know that work doesn't stop after the last rep...
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    How to Relieve Tennis Elbow Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide for Tennis Players

    Hey there, tennis enthusiasts! Today, we're going to discuss a common issue many tennis players face: tennis elbow. Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in your elbow are overused, typically from repetitive...
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    How to Use Kinesiology Tape for General Shoulder Pain Relief

    As an athlete, you're no stranger to aches and pains, especially when it comes to your shoulders. Pushing your body to the limit can often lead to discomfort and injury. That's where kinesiology tape comes in. This innovative and versatile...
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    7 Tips for Eye Health & Maintaining Good Eyesight for Athletes

    As an athlete, you're always looking for ways to improve your performance and gain an edge on the competition. While you might focus on strength, endurance, and nutrition, there's another crucial aspect of your well-being that should never be overlooked...
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    CBD and Your Fitness Journey: When to Take It for Optimal Performance

    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are constantly seeking ways to enhance their performance, reduce recovery time, and alleviate pain. As the popularity of CBD (cannabidiol) continues to soar, many fitness enthusiasts are turning to this natural remedy for its numerous benefits....
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    What Are Terpenes?

    What do you think is responsible for the aroma, color, flavor, and taste of hemp? Is it chlorophyll? The soil it is grown in? Perhaps it's a watering or irrigation process? If you guessed any of the above, you are...
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    How SummaMix™ Can Improve Your Golf Game

    Have you ever tried to slam a revolving door?  Become a surgeon?  Learn Mandarin?  Win an argument with someone of questionable intelligence over the internet? The common thread between all of these daunting tasks is their shared difficulty level, which...
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    4 Running Workouts to Skyrocket Your Speed and Endurance

    Hey, fellow runners! Are you looking to improve your speed and endurance? Then you've come to the right place! Today, I'm going to share four incredible running workouts that can help you elevate your performance and achieve new personal bests....
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    Active Recovery Tips for Golfers

    D’OH!  AGH!  SH*T!  Ouch! Sound familiar? If it does, then there’s an extremely good chance you’re either a golfer, or you know one personally. If you happen to be a passive onlooker, you might assume that the steady stream of...
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    A Runner's Guide to Running Your First Race of the New Year

    Here we are, early in the new year. You’ve made your resolutions to get fitter, eat healthier, lose weight, and eliminate stress. For many, running a race is an essential part of that plan.   Why Run?  In addition to helping...
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    The Graston TechniqueⓇ and You: A Match Made in Physical Therapy Heaven

    To what lengths would you go to treat a nagging (seemingly chronic?)  ailment? Would you use holistic medicine? Pay a small fortune? Cross state lines? Navigate a sketchy dirt road for a late-night visit to a garage owned by some...
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    How to Use SummaMix™

    I could write this article in three short sentences.  “Pour SummaMix into a shaker or glass. Fill it with 8-20 ounces of water. Mix it up and drink it.” Yes, as you can see, I could, but I’m not going...
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    Will CBD Get Me High?

    Regarding the question in the title, the short answer is a resounding “no.”  There’s a whole lot more to it than that, though. And as is the case with most of my blog articles, I have a relevant personal anecdote...
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    How SummaMix Can Benefit Eyes of All Ages

    Unlike many people, I can’t remember the first time I realized I needed glasses, but I do remember the feelings associated with the realization. Dread. Frustration. Confusion.  Sure, they may not have been necessarily felt in that order, but the...
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    What is CBN? Can it really help me sleep?

    Trouble sleeping is one of the great equalizers. I bet you’ve asked yourself, “Why can’t I sleep?” at least once in the past couple of months. We’re all sleep deprived for one reason or another. Personally, I struggle with anxiety...
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    SummaRest: CBD & CBN for Better Sleep

    Based on a true story.  Those five words carry a lot of weight. When any film or show starts with that phrase, you clench that popcorn bucket a little tighter knowing some wild stuff is about to go down. While...
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    4 Reasons to Use SummaTape™ After a Soft Tissue Massage

    There is nothing like a massage. From Thai to Swedish to deep tissue – there’s an option for everyone. To be honest, part of the reason I work out is so I can have an excuse to get a massage....
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    Hemp vs Marijuana vs Cannabis: What’s the Difference?

    For those who are cannacurious about hemp, cannabis, marijuana, and everything in between, this is a great place to start. Educating yourself about what you are putting into your body is extremely important, especially when it comes to cannabis. Now...
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    What He’s Learned in the Mountains: SummaForte-Sponsored Athlete Michael Wirth Shares Tips on Training, Nutrition, Recovery, and Focus.

    “Move. Listen. Never halt movement, as that could halt the heartbeat.” Michael Wirth, a rising young star in the backcountry skiing and ultrarunning world, is on the move. He just completed Colorado’s Elks Traverse, a 60-mile mountain run across seven...
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