Posted in: Health & Wellness

4 Running Workouts to Skyrocket Your Speed and Endurance

Article at a glance:

Learn 4 great running workouts to increase your speed and endurance including:

  • Interval training
  • Tempo Runs
  • Hill Repeats
  • Fartlek Training

Also, learn the value of active recovery with tips on how to maximize your routine as well as a 2-4 week training plan using the workouts in the article.

Hey, fellow runners! Are you looking to improve your speed and endurance? Then you've come to the right place! Today, I'm going to share four incredible running workouts that can help you elevate your performance and achieve new personal bests. These workouts are designed to challenge you and push you beyond your limits, so buckle up and let's get started!

Interval Training

Interval training is a powerful tool to help you increase your speed and cardiovascular fitness. This workout involves alternating between periods of high-intensity running and low-intensity recovery.

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Here's how to do an interval workout:

  •     Warm up for 10 minutes with a light jog.
  •     Run at 85-90% of your maximum effort for 2 minutes.
  •     Jog or walk for 2 minutes to recover.
  •     Repeat the high-intensity and recovery intervals for a total of 6-8 rounds.
  •     Cool down for 10 minutes with a light jog or walk.

Tempo Runs

Tempo runs help you develop your anaerobic threshold, which is the point at which your body starts to produce lactic acid faster than it can be cleared. This workout can improve your endurance and help you maintain a faster pace for longer distances.

Try this tempo run workout:

  •     Warm up for 10 minutes with a light jog.
  •     Run at a comfortably hard pace (around 80% of your maximum effort) for 20-30 minutes. This pace should feel challenging but sustainable.
  •     Cool down for 10 minutes with a light jog or walk.

Hill Repeats

Hill repeats are an excellent workout to build strength, power, and speed. This workout challenges your leg muscles and cardiovascular system, helping you improve your overall running performance.

Never tried a hill repeat workout? Try this one:

  •     Warm up for 10 minutes with a light jog.
  •     Find a hill with a moderate incline (around 5-8% grade) and run up the hill with a strong effort for 30-60 seconds.
  •     Walk or jog back down the hill for recovery.
  •     Repeat the uphill and recovery segments for a total of 6-10 rounds.
  •     Cool down for 10 minutes with a light jog or walk.

Fartlek Training

Fartlek, a Swedish term that means "speed play," is a fun and versatile workout that combines elements of interval training and tempo runs. The goal is to incorporate short bursts of speed into your regular runs.

Give this patented fartlek workout a solid go:

  •     Warm up for 10 minutes with a light jog.
  •     Run at a moderate pace for 5 minutes.
  •     Increase your speed to a hard effort for 1-2 minutes.
  •     Return to a moderate pace for another 5 minutes.
  •     Repeat the speed bursts and recovery periods for a total of 4-6 rounds.
  •     Cool down for 10 minutes with a light jog or walk.

Incorporating these four running workouts into your training regimen can make a world of difference in your speed and endurance. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your workout according to the signals your body sends you, keep proper running form, and recover adequately between your workouts.

The Importance of Recovery, and Effective Recovery Techniques

While these intense workouts can do wonders for your speed and endurance, it's essential not to overlook the importance of recovery. Proper recovery allows your muscles to heal and grow stronger, reduces the risk of injury, and helps maintain your overall well-being. Here are some recovery techniques you can incorporate into your routine:

Try SummaTape™: Kinesiology Tape with CBD & Menthol

If you haven’t incorporated kinesiology tape into your training regimen, then you are in for an amazing experience.  Kinesiology tape is a lightweight, therapeutic tape designed to mimic the skin’s elasticity and range of motion that’s applied strategically to the body to provide support, lessen pain, reduce swelling, and improve performance. Unlike other kinesiology tapes, SummaTape™ delivers CBD and menthol through the skin, providing a soothing cooling sensation and producing a triple anti-inflammatory effect. The menthol stimulates blood flow in inflamed areas and works with the CBD to accelerate muscle repair and improve circulation to help support and aid in the healing of injuries.

Active Recovery

Active recovery involves engaging in low-intensity activities on your rest days. This can help promote blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. Here are some active recovery exercises that are very effective and help your recovery between your training workouts:

  •     Light jogging or walking
  •     Swimming
  •     Yoga or stretching
  •     Cycling at a leisurely pace

Foam Rolling

Foam rolling, also known as self-myofascial release, can help relieve muscle tightness and improve your range of motion. Spend 5-10 minutes each day foam rolling your major muscle groups, such as your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

Sleep & Restore Your Body with SummaRest™

Adequate sleep is essential for recovery and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to give your body the rest it needs to recover from intense workouts. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to promote quality sleep. If you are like me and have trouble sleeping from soreness, you have an overactive mind late at night, or you took in more caffeine than you should have, then I recommend SummaRest™ to help you discover the power of an all-natural restorative rest. SummaRest™ is a fast-acting, all-natural sleep aid that helps you fall asleep fast, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up with no next-day grogginess. SummaRest™ combines CBN, a cannabinoid with great restorative sleep benefits, with our CBD and sleep-enhancing botanicals such as valerian root to help you recharge and recover. It works within minutes, calming the mind and body, so users fall asleep quickly and naturally and get quality sleep. Plus, it’s melatonin-free, vegan, and non-GMO!

Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Your body needs the right nutrients to repair itself and replenish energy never heard this term before). Ensure you're consuming a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Don't forget to stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after your workouts.  While you hydrate, consider adding SummaMix™ to your regimen. This powdered drink mix gives you sustained, balanced energy from its premium CBD.  If you take it regularly, you’ll also reap the vision (better focus) and cognitive (faster more accurate reactions) health benefits from the two clinically tested nutrients -- lutein and a spearmint nootropic.

Stretching & Mobility Exercises

Incorporating stretching and mobility exercises into your routine can help improve flexibility and prevent injuries. Dynamic stretches, such as leg swings and arm circles, can be performed as part of your warm-up, while static stretches, like hamstring stretches and calf stretches, can be done after your workouts.

A 2-4 Week Training Regimen to Build Speed and Endurance

Now that you're familiar with the workouts and recovery techniques, let's put everything together into a comprehensive 2–4-week training regimen. This plan is designed to help you build speed and endurance while allowing adequate time for recovery. Feel free to adjust the workouts and schedule to suit your individual needs and fitness level.

Weeks 1-2:

Monday: Tempo Run (20 minutes at 80% effort)

Tuesday: Easy Run (30-45 minutes at a comfortable pace) + Stretching.

Wednesday: Interval Training (6 rounds of 2 minutes at 85-90% effort with 2 minutes recovery)

Thursday: Active Recovery (e.g., yoga, swimming, or cycling) + Foam Rolling

Friday: Easy Run (30-45 minutes at a comfortable pace) + Stretching.

Saturday: Fartlek Training (4 rounds of 1-2 minutes at a hard effort with 5 minutes moderate pace)

Sunday: Rest or Active Recovery + Foam Rolling

Weeks 3-4:

Monday: Tempo Run (25 minutes at 80% effort)

Tuesday: Easy Run (30-45 minutes at a comfortable pace) + Stretching.

Wednesday: Interval Training (7 rounds of 2 minutes at 85-90% effort with 2 minutes recovery)

Thursday: Active Recovery (e.g., yoga, swimming, or cycling) + Foam Rolling

Friday: Easy Run (30-45 minutes at a comfortable pace) + Stretching.

Saturday: Hill Repeats (8 rounds of 30-60 seconds uphill at a hard effort with recovery downhill)

Sunday: Rest or Active Recovery + Foam Rolling

Throughout the training regimen, make sure to prioritize sleep, proper nutrition, and hydration. Listen to your body and adjust the workouts and intensity as needed. If you find that you're struggling with recovery or feeling overly fatigued, consider adding an additional rest day or reducing the intensity of your workouts.

Final Thoughts

By following this 2-4 week training regimen and incorporating the workouts and recovery techniques mentioned earlier, you'll be on track to improve your speed and endurance significantly. Remember to listen to your body and adjust as needed. Keep up the excellent work, and happy running!