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    Unwind Naturally: Daily Stress Management for Athletes & Fitness Enthusiasts

    Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a dedicated gym-rat, stress is something that affects us all. It's important to acknowledge that stress is a natural part of life, but when left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on our health, performance,...
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    What to Eat After a Workout: 5 Foods for a Stronger, Healthier Body

    Congratulations! You've just completed an intense workout, pushing your body to its limits, and breaking through barriers. You're on your way to a stronger, healthier body. But, as an athlete, you know that work doesn't stop after the last rep...
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    How SummaMix Can Benefit Eyes of All Ages

    Unlike many people, I can’t remember the first time I realized I needed glasses, but I do remember the feelings associated with the realization. Dread. Frustration. Confusion.  Sure, they may not have been necessarily felt in that order, but the...
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    Think Fast, React Faster: NSF Certified SummaMix™ and Its Role In the MLB

    Do you think you could even make contact with a 98mph pitch? You read that right. We’re not talking about registering a hit, getting on base, or anything even remotely close to scoring a run. We’re talking about using faster-than-lightning...
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